Today I Feel My Age

Most days, I don’t feel as old as I am. Usually, thankfully, I feel fruitfully young. Alive, kind, caring, optimistic, joyful, vibrant, giving, hopeful. I keep these traits alive within me, as strong as I can make them. Some mock

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Today I Feel My Age

Most days, I don’t feel as old as I am. Usually, thankfully, I feel fruitfully young. Alive, kind, caring, optimistic, joyful, vibrant, giving, hopeful. I keep these traits alive within me, as strong as I can make them. Some mock

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The Revealing Shores

The Revealing Shores The boundaries of Gods awestruck all who can recognize such raw power and beauty.  Hence, the shore of the ocean has always been a mecca for those who wish to see our planet’s truest boundary, where the

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The Revealing Shores

The Revealing Shores The boundaries of Gods awestruck all who can recognize such raw power and beauty.  Hence, the shore of the ocean has always been a mecca for those who wish to see our planet’s truest boundary, where the

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India, I am ever changed.

India, I am ever changed. Though I have traveled a bit of the world in my days, it took me 40 years to get to India.  Now that I’ve finally experienced a sliver of what it has to offer, I

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India, I am ever changed.

India, I am ever changed. Though I have traveled a bit of the world in my days, it took me 40 years to get to India.  Now that I’ve finally experienced a sliver of what it has to offer, I

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DevOps Jobs – Supply and Demand

DevOps Engineers – Supply and Demand Put a few choice keywords in your LinkedIn profile like DevOps, AWS, Linux, Chef/Puppet, Terraform, etc, and you’ll soon be bombarded by jobs from headhunters for every “amazing”, “fast-growing”, “the next google” company out

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DevOps Jobs – Supply and Demand

DevOps Engineers – Supply and Demand Put a few choice keywords in your LinkedIn profile like DevOps, AWS, Linux, Chef/Puppet, Terraform, etc, and you’ll soon be bombarded by jobs from headhunters for every “amazing”, “fast-growing”, “the next google” company out

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2015 Retrospective

2015 Retrospective At the twilight of 2015, a few friends got together and went over our 2015 wins and losses, and also what we envisioned for 2016. Here are a few of the details: 2015 wins Paid off 100% of

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2015 Retrospective

2015 Retrospective At the twilight of 2015, a few friends got together and went over our 2015 wins and losses, and also what we envisioned for 2016. Here are a few of the details: 2015 wins Paid off 100% of

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Do Your Work – Plato

I just purchased the book, “2500 Years of Widsom – Sayings of the Great Masters” and it has inspired me to begin sharing a few while creating some art pieces to go along with each.  This first one is the

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Do Your Work – Plato

I just purchased the book, “2500 Years of Widsom – Sayings of the Great Masters” and it has inspired me to begin sharing a few while creating some art pieces to go along with each.  This first one is the

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Radical Change Eminent

Sometimes in life you must make a radical change. Quit your job, leave your lover, sell all your belongings, move to a new city. Sometimes you take a wrong turn in life and you need an exodus, a new beginning,

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Radical Change Eminent

Sometimes in life you must make a radical change. Quit your job, leave your lover, sell all your belongings, move to a new city. Sometimes you take a wrong turn in life and you need an exodus, a new beginning,

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My 35th Year

What I accomplished in my 35th year: Found first employment after graduating with my EMBA Moved to Boulder Released my first album Sold my house Payed off all my credit card debt Continued woodworking (and continued building out my woodshop)

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My 35th Year

What I accomplished in my 35th year: Found first employment after graduating with my EMBA Moved to Boulder Released my first album Sold my house Payed off all my credit card debt Continued woodworking (and continued building out my woodshop)

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If I Had the Time, If I Had the Money

If I Had the Time, If I Had the Money   If money didn’t matter, if time was infinite, I would slow my life down, almost to a crawl. I would enjoy every moment, both good and bad. Every electrifying

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If I Had the Time, If I Had the Money

If I Had the Time, If I Had the Money   If money didn’t matter, if time was infinite, I would slow my life down, almost to a crawl. I would enjoy every moment, both good and bad. Every electrifying

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Misc Unix Commands

SSH Tunnels: ssh -N -L 2003:localhost:2003 & SSH Without Password: ssh-keygen -t rsa cat .ssh/ | ssh <user>@<host> ‘cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys’ Django superuser: sudo python /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ createsuperuser Vi: Comment Out Multiple Lines: First, move the cursor to the first char

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Misc Unix Commands

SSH Tunnels: ssh -N -L 2003:localhost:2003 & SSH Without Password: ssh-keygen -t rsa cat .ssh/ | ssh <user>@<host> ‘cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys’ Django superuser: sudo python /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ createsuperuser Vi: Comment Out Multiple Lines: First, move the cursor to the first char

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